ICHRA … Allowing businesses to take control of their healthcare budgets and giving employees the ability to choose.

We hear it all the time. When it comes to group insurance plans,
there has to be a better way. Now, there is. ICHRA.

What’s ICHRA?

Challenges Facing Employers Today:

  • Health insurance costs are skyrocketing and out-of-control
  • Recruiting and retention challenges are rising
  • “One-size-fits-all” group insurance plans aren’t meeting employee needs
  • ACA non-compliance is leaving employers exposed to significant fines
  • ACA mandates for large employers are eroding employee compensation
  • Remote workforces are continuing to grow.
ICHRA employee
In simplest terms, the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement allows businesses of all sizes to offer employees a monthly allowance of tax-free money, allowing them to buy health care services that fit their unique needs while controlling costs and addressing ACA compliance.

Benefits of Individual Coverage HRAs for Employers


Employers can offer levels of
benefit per employee class


Employees can
choose a health plan
tailored to their specific needs

Controlled Costs & Risk

Employers can take
control of the insurance
spending, contributions, and risk

ACA Compliance

Meets both mandates
of Minimum Value
and Affordability

Tax Efficiency

Helps employees pay for
individual health insurance
premiums tax-free, not
impacting their taxable income


With a benefits administrator,
ICHRA eliminates businesses
working between insurance
companies and employees

Individual Coverage HRAs, Driven by Technology…

As an administrator of Individual Coverage HRA plans for our clients, Flyte HCM’s offering includes access to employer dashboards and reporting to streamline the process. Quickly access employee data, manage new enrollments, create real-time reports, and easily monitor your plan’s activity. We put it all at your fingertips!
ICHRA employee dashboards
For employees, Flyte HCM’s offering includes access to individual employee apps and dashboards that make it easy for them to file claims, view their plans, manage expenses and available funds, and upload receipts. Just like employers, our technology puts everything they need at their fingertips, 24/7!

Flyte HCM has been a leader in providing Individual Coverage HRA plans since they became an option just a few years ago.

We started off ahead of the curve, and today we’re continuing to bring forward-thinking solutions to our clients.

Will ICHRA allow me to do this?